Software Products

ThesesAssistDrawer, shorted as TAD, is a powerful MS Word addin that can help you configure the layout of papers, theses or science articles. TAD is compatible with Microsoft Word and Kingsoft WPS, and features one click to do the following:
- Creating a thesis template;
- Inserting captions for figures, tables or equations;
- Inserting cross-references for caption number, heading number, reference number, etc.;
- Editing references;
- Sorting references;
- Inserting a footnote;
- Recording the document location;
- Inserting a landscape page;
- Layouting multiple figures with separate captions or with a shared caption;
- Adjusting multiple figures to the recorded height, width, or size;
- Selecting all figures in the document;
- Inserting a predefined three-line table;
- Selecting all tables in the document;
- Enhanced bookmark management;
- Enhanced wildcard search.

PPtFigureAssist, shorted as PFA, is a free Office addin provided by TujiaStudio. With it, you can setup the figure size and position via one-button click, and the newly pasted figure will be auto adjusted according to the setup, saving you pretty much time.

PlanetWheelShortcuts, shorted as PWS, is an incredible tool for you to commit a command, for example the operating system shortcuts or programs shortcuts, in the fastest way possible. It saves your effort in remembering numerous shortcuts of various commands.
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