
TopMostKing - Intro

TopMostKing, shorted as TMK, is a convenient desktop tool. Through it, various Windows forms (including forms without title bars) can be easily set or unset topmost; In addition, it also provides easy copy or paste by pressing only the Ctrl or Shift key.


TMK Settings


Set The Window Topmostvideo demo

  1. Right click on the title bar of the current window, and the "Crown" icon will appear on the left side of the mouse pointer;
  2. Move the mouse pointer into the "Crown" icon to set the current window topmost.


Unset The Window Topmost

  1. Right click on the title bar of the current window, and the "Crown" icon will appear on the left side of the mouse pointer;
  2. Move the mouse pointer into the "Crown" icon to unset the current window topmost.